So the activity I talked about is President Council binding camp, in Besut, Terrengganu. Spent 10 hours from MMU Cyberjaya to the camp site, including dinner and supper... hah... when reach there, I only know the camp is fully sponsored by an organisation called BTN. I feel nothing, but many of us already start to complain. Most probably because the first activity in the camp was 2 talks! First one entitled "1 Malaysia", good name... the other one was "Patriotisme". Many of my friends complaining that it's another PLKN. We did created quite a mess on the first day.

Talking rubbish with some familiar faces before depart.
The second day, it's more like a camp already. Actually the last activity in the first day make me feel I am participating in a camp. After grouping, I did have a chat with group mates and the facilitator. And then we were given a title for presentation. Again complained by my friend, similar activity in PLKN. Although in the schedule it should have more activities, the second day end with group presentations only.

Activity at beach. Spotted me? XD
Third day, jungle trekking. We wake up at 3.30am, and depart for jungle trekking at 4am. That time, the shoes I use not up to one week, accompany me to climb mountain and cross river. River crossing river even worse, whole body including my glasses. Some goddamn smell, which from mixture of river water mixed with sea water, really unbearable. After river crossing, then we got to some checkpoints and then back to the camp. One small activity before we get back to room. That time is the first time got someone said it's hard to wake me.
Last day. Not major activity. Got time to visit the beach and chat with some newly made friends. Took some photos also... hah.. then go back to MMU Cyberjaya from Besut. Another 10 hours ride. When reach MMU, it's around 2.30am already.

I am fit or not? haha....
When first time arrive there, I really don't like about the talks. Plus got some planning for kawat also... luckily didn't do any. Other activities are not bad, best of all things is know many friends. Seem like I didn't regret at all... hah... XD
*The pictures are stolen from the photographer's facebook account. XD lazy to get too many so this post would be less photo. XD