Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bring Back Memories

Yesterday was my friend's birthday. When we all wished him 'Happy Birthday', I just think of my birthday in past two years.

2 years ago, during my birthday, some of my friends give me 2 boxes as present. When I picked them up, they are so light that I thought it was nothing inside. They asked me to open the presents. After I opened the boxes, there were only lots of old newspapers inside. I intended to throw them away as they seem like just bunch of rubbish. But then my friend took those newspapers away, and showed me that there were few small bananas inside the boxes. Oh sh*t, they treated me like a monkey.....

Last year, they were even worse. Although that time they only try to give me one banana instead of few, the banana was acknowledge as 'L' size banana. Of course I didnt receive it as my present, but then they used a piece of paper and packed the banana nicely, and asked everyone on the class to leave a signature on the 'present'. After that one of them silently put the 'present' into my bag in the evening. Haih...... they really got too much time to waste that time.....

So I still remember that a teacher told me that this kind of weird incident will let me remember for a long time. It's real, I still remember, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. Should I thank my friends for such memories? Who knows.... XDXD

Thursday, December 18, 2008


怎么想也想不到,第一次捐血竟然是在这里,既是 MMU。当然不是今天,是昨天。进去那里时人数比我想象中少。还有,有不少人因为营养不足或铁质成分低而被 reject, 不能捐血。唉.... 现在的年轻人.... 验血后,我才懂我的血型是 B 型。由于我的身体强壮,所以我可以捐。

坐下后,一位护士跟我打针。哇唠,照理来讲是有一点点辣,之后发现到我的手肿起来了。过后到大的针了。插进手的时候还有一点辣,然后就没事了。没想到,不到半小时就好了,老实讲我还以为需要一个小时以上XD 写名拿了一张证书后,当然去吃他们供应的食物啦。有一个面包、一杯Milo、一包饼干、一盒巧克力奶、一包Cocopie 还有几粒糖果。XDXD

捐血后, 我还以为会头晕和手脚没力,哈哈,哪里懂捐血后精力依然充沛,应该是因为我的内功深厚吧!捐血解决了,就去上课。上到一半时,那伤口突然越来越痛。朋友都讲捐血是不会用的。丢掉胶纸后发现到有一点黑青。哇.... 畜生.... 死Sohai 护士用错方式了,还到我的手有一点痛。当然这不会影响强壮的我啦。还好今天没有痛了,不然去告那护士告到她死。

魄丐呀,今晚有考试还在这里写,实在是..... 不写了啦,去睡觉先,有足够的精神才可以考得更好吧!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


*第一大題 *


(1) 你的名字→ 翁亦焕
(2) 生日呢→ 900419
(3) 星座呢→ 白羊座
(4) 你男的還女的→ 女的才怪
(5) 現在很煩嗎→ 轻松很多了


(1) 覺得朋友重要嗎→ 重要啦
(2) 有被朋友背叛過嗎→ 感觉上没有
(3) 感覺是怎麼樣呢→ 没试过
(4) 如果有一天朋友都離開你→ 管这样多,反正一定会重逢
(5) 為什麼跟朋友吵架→ 应该是因为一些很小很小的事
(6) 通常合好的原因→ 因为我是好人
(7) 如果被很好的朋友背叛→ 不爽他啦
(8) 如果那個背叛的人要求合好→ 合好啦


(1) 友情和愛情哪個重要→ 友情
(2) 目前有男/女朋友嗎→ 没
(3) 你很愛她/他嗎→ 爱谁?
(4) 如果她/他要求分手→ 分就分啦
(5) 如果她/他劈腿→ 就真正劈她的腿 XD
(6) 如果沒有男/女友,有喜歡的人嗎→ 有呱
(7) 覺得自己喜歡的人如何→ 一定是好人
(8) 覺得自己會喜歡那個人很久嗎→ 一定啦!不然怎样会有这样多朋友
(9) 如果有一天另一半突然離開→ 期待重逢啦
(10)分手的話會不會哭→ 不会


(1) 家庭成員有誰呢→ 1 父 1 母 1 兄 1 妹
(2) 最喜歡哪個家人→ 都喜欢
(3) 最討厭哪個家人→ 无
(4) 覺得自己的家好嗎→ 一定好
(5) 承上 為什麼呢→ 有我在一定好
(6) 親情對妳來說很重要嗎→ 很重要
(7) 有兄弟姐妹的話吵架都為了什麼事呢→ 因为我皮痒
(8) 後來是怎麼合好的→ 因为我是好人


(1) 點你的人是誰/他是妳的誰→ LCH, 好朋友
(2) 覺得她/他是怎樣的人→ 好人
(3) 你們是怎麼認識的→ 一起上课,一起吃饭,一起玩耍
(4) 認識多久暸呢→ 很久很久了
(5) 她/他跟妳要好的程度→ 很好
(6) 她/他的優點→ 讲义气
(7) 她/他的缺點→ 坏脾气
(8) 喜歡她/他這個朋友嗎→ 不喜欢怎么做朋友?


是非題 有過的打圈 不曾有過的打叉

(1) 耳洞: X
(2) 染髮: X
(3) 抽菸: X
(4) 喝酒: O
(5) 寵物: X
(6) 牙套: X
(7) 手機: O
(8) 出國: O
(9) 自殺: X (自杀了是谁写这些东西?)
(10) 自拍: O
(11) 網咖: X
(12) 刺青: X

第三大題 - 目前最想做的事
(1) 达到目标


(1) 心目中的對象是誰→ 一定是女的
(2) 如果你的家人跟你的另一半同時跌入海,你會先救誰→ 看情况
(3) 直到現在有哪幾首歌,可以感動到你→ 无
(4) 如果你有多啦A夢,你想要它的什麼法寶→ 需要它的法宝?
(5) 看漫畫的人為何看漫畫?不看漫畫的人為何不看漫畫→ 看因为爽,不看因为不爽
(6) 想改掉的毛病或習慣→ 有机会就改完所有的毛病
(7) 人生對妳而言最重要的事情是什麼→ 快乐
(8) 哪部作品從開始愛上後到現在都還很喜歡→ The Batman
(9) 覺得目前為止作過最有意義的事情→ 不知道,但我知道我妈妈做最有意义的是生下我 XD
(10) 哪一件事情讓妳永生難忘→ 忘记了最难忘的事
(11) 如果還有來生,妳要當男生還女生→ 随缘
(12) 大頭貼/視訊/手機/數位相機,最愛用哪一個拍照→ 不喜欢拍照
(13) 寫到這妳累了嗎→ 坐下来的那一刻就觉得累了
(14) 學校合作社爛不爛→ 还好
(15) 未來有什麼計畫→ 享受
(16) 最想去的國家→ 美国
(17) 被邀請玩國王遊戲的感覺→ 有游戏不玩?开玩笑.....
(18) 如果妳是狗,妳最想當哪一種狗→ 我肯定没有这个机会
(19) 友情和愛情,妳會選擇哪邊→ 都要啦
(20) 目前有在追喜歡的人嗎→ 追个屁
(21) 目前最煩惱的事→ 回答这些烂问题
(22) 妳喜歡裝色嗎→ 装什么色?
(23) 妳有懷疑過生髮水廣告的真實性嗎→ 没
(24) 想不想去神奇寶貝樂園→ 一定
(25) 認識新朋友第一眼會看什麼地方→ 一看就看全身了
(26) 最想去台灣什麼地方→ 无
(27) 妳崇尚名牌嗎→ 巧克力的话就会
(28) 有錢的話想包養誰→ 自己
(29) 如果會魔法妳最想要改變什麼→ 让我拥有那魔法
(30) 妳願意花多少時間去等妳所喜歡的人→ 看情况
(31) 究竟是陪在身邊的人重要?還是心裡的人重要→ 都重要
(32) 假如妳有一千萬,妳最想拿來做什麼→ 吃各种品牌的巧克力
(33) 世界上最值得妳留戀的是什麼→ 所有我想留恋的东西
(34) 什麼樣的異性最吸引妳→ 吸引到我的
(35) 第一次性經驗是幾歲→ 到了才讲
(36) 現在開心嗎→ 当然
(37) 最多便秘幾天→ 没试过
(38) 有什麼事是你覺得一輩子一定要去做的→ 呼吸
(39) 目前有沒有什麼事,是你不想做非要去做的→ 上课
(40) 如果有一天,火星人是我們的祖先,那妳會去認親戚嗎→ 如果我讲我是神,你会拜我吗?
(41) 有沒有想過哪一天自己是怎麼死的→ 想来做什么?
(42) 如過妳告白失敗妳會怎麼辦→ 检讨后,再告白啦
(43) 假使有一天被退學暸,要怎麼面對父母→ 直接面对啦
(44) 妳最喜歡的事物是→ 我全部的东西
(45) 妳喜歡我嗎→ 哪一位?
(46) 最喜歡的異姓穿著→ 适合她们的服装
(47) 試過最有效的減肥方法是→ 没试过
(48) 妳喜歡瘦瘦高高還是嬌小可愛的女生→ 看她适不适合我
(49) 妳覺得自己哪裏最性感→ 没有一部份不性感
(50) 吃大便跟吃ㄆㄨㄣ妳寧願吃哪一個→ 看就懂都不是好东西
(51) 如果身邊的朋友或另一半有人偷吃,妳會如何→ 告诉他不要偷窃
(52) 喜歡被愛還是愛人→ 都喜欢
(53) 妳覺得偷偷的愛比較好還是光明的愛→ 都好
(54) 為蝦米會有點名遊戲→ 什么虾米?
(55) 累了嗎→ 当然累
(56) 近期最開心的事情→ 用朋友的tablet乱画一通给另一个朋友
(57) 妳覺得女生倒追男生會不會很奇怪→ 会吗?
(58) SBL妳支持哪一隊→ 有什么队?
(59) 愛一個人,需要付出多少代價→ 问我啊?
(60) 為什麼會愛上自己的情人→ 因为爽啦!


Sunday, December 14, 2008




今天决定打华文。原因很简单,因为我是个华人,不能一直用英文吧!还有,看完以上文章的你,可能会觉得我的华文不好,对,我的华文就是不好,这些只是我说话时的 style, 有问题吗?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Everyone who knows me know that I like to watch animes. I watched many cartoons and animes since I was a kid. But during that time, I was just watching the cartoons and animes which are broadcast on TV. I had no choice for that time.... as my home didnt have internet and I got no money to buy. So I had to watch what animes had been aired. However, in present time, I downloaded the animes I like and watch. I started to download animes since my home got streamyx. You know.... streamyx is much faster than dail-up modem, but still, it's not that fast. With slow internet speed, and not enough hard disk space, so I can only download few animes series without keep them nicely. The hard disk space problem was solved after I'd obtained an external hard disk drive. And now, I am in University here. I am glad that the internet speed here is not as fast as streamyx, it's faster!! So that I can get more anime series! So now the old problem appears again... hard disk space XDXD Quite many in my hard disk, huh..... Actually it's not XDXD

These are what I have:
- Bacanno!
- Basilisk
- Black Lagoon
- Bleach (Just 2 movies and 2 OVAs ^^')
- Blood+
- Clannad
- Clannad After Story
- Cowboy Bebop
- Death Note
- Fate/Stay Night
- Fooly Cooly
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Full Metal Panic!
- Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu
- Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam 00
- GunGrave
- Hellsing
- Hellsing Ultimate
- Karas
- Laputa: Castle in the Sky
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- ONE PIECE !!!!!
- Pokemon movie: Mew and Wave Guiding Hero Lucario
- Princess Mononoke
- RahXephon
- Rockman EXE (only got few episodes of Axess and Beast, and also the movie)
- Rurouni Kenshin OVA: Trust & Betrayal
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sword of the Stranger
- Witchblade

I think I only got that many..... There are also some series that I watched, but I didnt keep it:
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- Kiki's Delivery Service
- Spirited Away
- Suzumiya Haruhi no Yutsu
- Whisper of the Heart

There are still somemore that I am even lazy to list it down XD
I think I had listed too many. Haha..... So anyone interested in one of those, contact me and I'll try my best to give you, but I dont think I'll receive answer for that XDXDXD

Monday, December 8, 2008

1st Post Ever !!!

Hah.... I am doing something that I usually wont do recently. Just like last time, about anime, I personally dont like romance story. But I ended up watch a romance story, moreover it's harem, which means many girls to one guy story. =.= And as for today, I've done another thing that even myself couldnt believe..... which is create this blog. What makes me open this blog? Something that written on one of my best friend's blog? No.... no..... I did think of to create a website, but since I couldnt find any favourable free host, so I decided to create this blog. Now when I think of I always say my sister that create her blog is just a waste of time, then what means to my blog? Haha of course, it's also a time wasting action. XD So before I end this post, I would like to show something I'd archived lately XDXD

Cant read clearly? Haha.... webcam is not as great as a real camera. Ok let me tell you guys what's the words on the medal: